Dear valued customer
Thank you for reaching out to us. A huge thank you goes out to our wonderful audience who came from near and far to participate in this year’s festival, our online community for their support, the talented local and international artists and performers and everyone involved in making Spring of Culture 2025
such a great success.
As we plan for the festival’s 20th edition, our Facebook, X (foremerly Twitter), and Instagram accounts will now be inactive until next season in 2026. Please feel free to drop us an email at [email protected] for any comments or queries.
نتوجه بجزيل الشكر و الامتنان لجميع من شارك في مهرجان ربيع الثقافه بنسخته الثامنة عشر. لقد كان من دواعي سرورنا انضمامكم و مشاركتكم فعالياتنا.